Debian source packages in git explained
Most people with Linux experience have at some point installed .deb files on Debian or the more famous variant of it, Ubuntu. Programmers who have been involved with packaging and shipping software know that the code that generates those .deb packages is always in the debian/ subdirectory in a software project. However, anyone who has tried to do Debian packaging also knows that all the automation involved can be challenging to grasp, and building packages, modifying packaging files, and repeatedly rebuilding them can feel way more frustrating than iterating in regular software development. As Debian has been around for three decades already, there is a lot of online documentation available, but unfortunately, most of it is outdated, and reading about old tools might just add to the confusion.
Thus, let me introduce an explainer of what the structure in 2025 should look like on a well-maintained Debian package source, and what benefits it brings. First, I’ll run through the basics to ensure all readers have them fresh in their mind, and further down, I get into the increasingly complex workings of how Debian source packaging works and why they have a certain git repository structure.